To hate on a bro for being and acting like a bro.
Billy: I can't believe Bill Clinton got impeached for getting that presidential service, bro hate. *smh*


Andrew: I had that slam piece DTF! Why'd you did you mess that shit up?

Mike: No reason.

Andrew: Bro hate man.
by Raddy Bro December 8, 2010
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bros who dress like hipsters, carry skateboards around but never ride them, and hate on other bros but run around screaming "YOLO"
self-hating bro 1: ay brah, check out my dope plaid-lumberjack shirt, brah.

self-hating bro 2: AWESOME. so glad we're not like those frat idiots...WE'RE SO UNIQUE YOLO.

self-hating bro 1: chyah mayne, YOLO
by y00ty00t December 13, 2012
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