An oc character in the Fantasy Theory series whose character has become synonymous with the phrases: Giggidy, all night long, and incoherent screams. The character is depicted as a soul eating Female dragon inside an elemental user who is Male. Making them singularly both male an female.

When something is perverse or adult related it is almost expected for the character to either point it out or straight up say or point out every little unmentionable thing about it. Much to many people's dismay.

The character is most depicted with long blue/purple hair, appearing as either gender physically, has a tatoo accoss one eye, wing/horns that are hidden or in the open, often covered in light colored scales, and has blue catlike eyes.
BestroChen: "Are you from heaven? cause I just c9ed wink."

Girl: "Omfg BestroChen why, no..."

Guy: "BestroChen..."

Girl: "Go sit outside and think about what you've done!"

BestroChen: "Right after you say your not judging! XD"

Girl: "I 100% judged that one, Pick up lines are open for judgement."
by BestroChen December 10, 2019
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