A small town in Southern California that has more people living in it than it probably should. The main street is a complete shithole that once was a beautiful retro 50s-looking popular place to cruise in your muscle car, and a popular tourist spot. Nowadays, the buildings are old, ugly and dirty and almost every business that starts on Bellflower Blvd. shuts down within 6 months or so, because the city refuses to update the area in order to bring more business into the city. The only thing going for that street is the bank, PC cafe, Egyptian cafe, and maybe a pawn shop or two. There's also a movie theater, but after the main one closed down, it's now a Christian theater.
Bellflower also has the most churches per capita. Yawn.
Oh well, at least we have two skateparks, a clock tower that some people can kind of see, and a high school with a football field named after a pro football player who went there.
Bellflower also has the most churches per capita. Yawn.
Oh well, at least we have two skateparks, a clock tower that some people can kind of see, and a high school with a football field named after a pro football player who went there.
by Very Metal June 7, 2007
by moldy bread January 6, 2013