A dangerous place located on the West Side of Virginia Beach in the Seven Cities or Hampton Roads Virginia, High Crime, mostly African American, Very Territorial, Characterized by high gang activity throughout the 90's (especially early 90's) due to neighborhood rivalry
Not the place to be after 8 pm even on Sundays.
Neighborhoods: Lake Edward, Campus East, Weslyan Chase, Weblin, Newpointe, Aragona, Northridge, Bayside Arms, Lynbrook Landing, Burton Station
Not the place to be after 8 pm even on Sundays.
Neighborhoods: Lake Edward, Campus East, Weslyan Chase, Weblin, Newpointe, Aragona, Northridge, Bayside Arms, Lynbrook Landing, Burton Station
Suzie: Troy, why do you have two black eyes, scars on your face, and torn clothing??
Troy: I was trying to fit in driving around Bayside neighborhoods, playing my music loud, I stopped at a stop sign.. and well...
Suzie: Perfectly Understood... You can only do that in Cox and Tallwood
Troy: I was trying to fit in driving around Bayside neighborhoods, playing my music loud, I stopped at a stop sign.. and well...
Suzie: Perfectly Understood... You can only do that in Cox and Tallwood
by Joy Cain June 21, 2005