Barddhism is a new religious movement syncretizing Buddhism, Discordianism and Taoism into one.


The universe is a vast and mysterious place, and we are all part of it.

There is no one true path to enlightenment, but many different paths that lead to the same place.

We should live our lives in harmony with nature and with each other.

We should be open to new ideas and experiences, and we should always be learning and growing.

The name "Barddhism" was chosen because it is a word that represents the three religions that were combined to create it. In Buddhism, a bard is a storyteller who travels from place to place, sharing stories and wisdom. In Taoism, a bard is a poet or musician who uses their art to express the beauty and mystery of the universe. In Discordianism, a bard is a jester or trickster who challenges the status quo and encourages people to think for themselves.

Also known as: The Religion of the 3 Bards.
I believe in Barddhism, The Religion of the 3 Bards.
by Julius the Jules June 5, 2023
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