A condition that occurs from spending an excessive amount of time/money at the bar (usually Sunday Football) so that you begin to rely on your elbows to support the intoxicated mess you have become. When you awake the next morning, not only will you find yourself with a fierce hangover, your elbows have scabbed over entirely because you have rubbed the skin raw trying not to fall out of your bar seat from the day before.
I watched 6 hours of football yesterday and woke up with bar elbow.

My bar elbow is proof of a successful day of drinking.
by SquirrelLogic November 8, 2010
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When you get a sore, a cut, or a rash on your elbow from leaning on a bar. Usually caused by long days and nites of drinking
Pat and Jess realized they both have bar elbow.
by Glenydotcom August 17, 2015
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