Like Pokémon but cooler. Instead of beating up the monster and kidnapping it and forcing it to fight for you, BUDDYFIGHT let's the fighter and the buddy forge a contract of friendship and honour (and it will give you a buddy skill.most buddy skill result in you being able to fly. And instead of balls you get a card core deck case which transforms into an item of your choosing that allows you to access your BUDDYFIGHT deck.
BUDDYFIGHT: a way in which you fight along side you buddy)

Ash(Pokémon): pichachu I chose you, use iron tail
Gao mikado: hey drum you got this
Drum bunker dragon: I'm already on it. DRILL REV BUNKER!!!

Ash: no picachu. How did you beat my.Pokémon
Gao mickado; its a rabbit/rat with electrical powers and an iiron tail, my BUDDY has an actual weapon and skills to boot
Ash: wait its a dragon all I have to do is use a fairy type Pokémon to defeat it
Drum bunker dragon: ?, gao just use it
Ash: use what?
Gao: IMPACT! Gaugantua PUNISHER!!!
Ash: where did the building skyscraper sized sowd come from😵
Gao: we did it friend we won the fight.
Drum: yes we did gao.)
by coop-meme January 28, 2020
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