Opposite of Viasa.
1) The concept that the very attempt at trying to be cool automatically makes you uncool.
2) The concept of believing oneself is cool. When one thinks he/she is cool, they are automatically uncool.
3) A state in which one is acting or engaging in a way that is unnatural.
4) Having high regard for one's own coolness.
Martin is an example of an Aviasa:

Martin: Bro, what's up? Check out my sweet ride, I'm like the epitome of coolness in this thing.
Jack: wow, it's pretty nice. But i can hear your music from two blocks away.
Martin: Well yeah man, I like it loud, plus others can hear it coming from my car.
Jack: So?
Martin: So?? That's why people play it that loud, it's cool.
by cness July 11, 2008
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