August 6th

The person that was born on this day is one of the baddest bitches you will ever meet. They’re supportive, but don’t take disrespect. They own their shit and stick up for their friends. The have a tough shell but are very sensitive. Keep them close because you could probably lose this person if you don’t treat them well. Also, they have a very uncommon birthday.
My friend was born on August 6th.
by youcannotgetin October 17, 2019
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August 6th

If you are born on August 6 you are most likely to be a great friend, Beautiful/handsome, kind and can be very moody
Girl: when’s your birthday?

Girl: August 6th y?

Girl: idk and you must be a very good friend
by Ya girl gay December 13, 2019
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August 6th

National slap your brother/sister
It's also my birthday lol

Me: hey did you hear about August 6th
My brother: no what
My brother: w-why
August 6th National slap your brother/sister it's also my Birthday
by Poppybrain66 October 15, 2021
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August 6th

Hey it’s August 6th you know what that means we’re gonna get fucked up and fuck someone
by ……….;)………. June 21, 2021
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August 6th

man 1: did you hear its August 6th?
man 2: oh? on god? i need the fortnite burger right now!
by man who is crying April 7, 2020
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August 6th

the one day of the year where you can ask your friend (or family if you’re into that) for one free nude of them and they cannot decline
August 6th is the day where you can ask for one free nude of your friend and they cannot decline

Y/N: you know what day it is...
Friend1: Okay fine.... •sends•
by YourUzer67 August 5, 2021
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