Athiyya is the type of girl who says they hate something that they don't. Athiyya is the type of person who is very funny and sarcastic but is also very smart. She denies things about her that are the truth eg. she'll say she's fat when she in fact is skinny. Athiyya is the type of person who is a picky eater especially vegetables such as onion and basil
Athiyya is so pretty
by MillyMolly123456789 January 2, 2021
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Athiyya is the type of girl who says they hate something that they don't. Athiyya is the type of person who is very funny and sarcastic but is also very smart. She denies things about her that are the truth eg. she'll say she's fat when she in fact is skinny. Athiyya is the type of person who is a picky eater especially vegetables such as onion and basil also she is very loyal, she would protect her friends if someone says ANYTHING about them she loves to beef with people as she is very argumentative. She loves countries like Korea and Japan, especially band groups like Blackpink and BTS even though she tries to deny it. She is the pretty best friend. She is sooo funny and makes everyone laugh. She is extremely pessimistic but only about herself, she downgrades herself but knows in her heart that she is superior
Athiyya is my best friend
by Emily12346789 January 5, 2021
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