Asheeqa is an incredibly smart and amazing independent young woman, perfect body, killer smile. Asheeqa is attractive and has an amazing personality. Asheeqa is confident but shy at first but when you get to know her she's talkative and funny. She's an amazing supportive friend and loves animals - mostly cats. Asheeqa is athletic and beautiful, she's considerate and caring.
Daaaaamn, i wish i was Asheeqa. She's so hot and friendly.
You need a friend like Asheeqa
by Iyaas November 22, 2021
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Asheeqa is amazing an incredibly smart and athletic independent female who has a great personality and is a wonderful person to be around. Asheeqa loves animals, especially cats and is the best friend to ever have. Asheeqa has a hot body & killer smile. She's funny and talkative once you get to know her, she has a great personality and is a supportive, caring and considerate friend
Daaaaamn Asheeqa is so hot and kind, she has this beautiful soul bro. I really have a crush on her, she makes me so happy
by Iyaas November 22, 2021
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Asheeqa is amazing incredibly smart and athletic. She is an independent female, she's confident but shy at first. When you get to know her she's talkative and funny. Asheeqa has a great personality and is a wonderful person to be around. She's a great friend, supportive and loves animals- Especially cats. She has the perfect body and a blinding smile
Damn Asheeqa is so beautiful, she's so hot i wish she was ny friend
by Iyaas November 22, 2021
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