Arlenne is a girl that you can trust on anything shes really good at keeping secrets, when she falls in love she will stick to that person thru thick and thin! Or when she has a crush on someone she will not show her feelings towards that person, she’s a girl that plays hard to get ! It’s kinda hard for Arlenne to get over someone. Arlenne is a girl that you will always remember no matter what, She’s really outgoing with all her friends, she always the craziest in the group and sometimes supportive . But she can be a little freaky and would do crazy stuff if you dared her to. She’s the type of girl that can get you in a lot of trouble too ! If she has a problem with you she will always be real with you . When Arlenne goes thru stuff she would keep it to her self , she doesn’t like people to know what she goes thru and knowing her business, but if she sad she will always make you smile no matter what she’s going thru !
Arlenne !!!!
by Lilhshsh November 2, 2019
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Arlene is a name for a beautiful talented girl.She is always down for anything. Her smile will brighten your day.She is so beautiful with the best face features.She is trust worthy and you can always count on her
Wow look at her,her name is Arlenne
by Lxnxn.90 April 3, 2018
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