Always in motion is the future… The greatest popular culture utterance foregrounding the principle of metaphysical uncertainty ever spoken in a movie designed for mass consumption.

This was Yoda’s answer to the question about the outcome of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi training; and, Like's eventual intervention in THE REBELLION in the movie: The Empire Strikes Back.

Ironically, the Star Was franchise itself falls into the catagory of a future in motion that couldn’t have been foreseen.

Who could have predicted that a movie that was essentially a space Western, samurai movie, made in the tradition of Flash Gordon serials, would spawn the summer blockbuster movie phenomenon?

Who I ask!!!!????

No one could!!!! Because: Always in motion is the future…

No matter how prescient one is, the outcome of any situation is influenced by many random unforeseen forces that cannot be predicted.

And, even when the unforeseen forces are made apparent; and, a new situation arises; this also generates a new blind spots and new random chaotic elements.

Who cold have predicted Jar Jar Binks — the most hated character in the Star Wars franchise.

No one I tell you!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!


Always in motion is the future…
In 1977 we all asked if the Star Wars movie would have sequel and spawn a huge franchise. At the end of that tumultuous summer, the only answer possible answer back then was: Always in motion is the future…
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 23, 2023
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