
dude- ya like Alexisonfire?
dude 2- no not really
dude- you need to die!!!
by alexisonfire June 24, 2005
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Canadian Rock band consisting of Dallas Green, George Pettit, Wade Macneil, Chris Steele and Jordan Ratbeard Hastings. Album include: Alexisonfire, Watch Out and Crisis. Named after lactating contortionist stripper Alexis Fire. Pronounced Alexis-on-fire not Alex-is-on-fire.
"I listen to Alexisonfire"
by breeeeeeee January 7, 2007
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Canadian band; not screamo; does indulge in occasional screaming. Excelling songs include 'Rough Hands'; '44. Caliber Love Letter' and 'That Girl Posessed'. Name is pronounced Alexis on fire. Named after the worlds only lactating contortionist stripper.
"Wow; I found a new underground band last night; call themselves Alexisonfire!"
by synonymforcliche April 14, 2008
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sweet band with a screamer, pretty sure they're not screamo but whatever sweet guitarists
Canada sucks but Alexisonfire is pretty sweet DOGG
by Big Ol Butthole December 7, 2006
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A Canadian band, which is NOT screamo. Their name is usually being argued about. Either being alexis on fire or alex is on fire. But the true pronouncination is al's ex is on fire (the s is being borrowed from all the words that have s in their songs).
Alexisonfire is an ok band.

Unlike what a certain Dan Pruns might say, it's al's ex is on fire.

by Martin Vu February 9, 2008
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A great canadian screamo band, with one screamer and one singer, a great harmony.
'Did you go to the alexisonfire concert last night?'
by the_thriftstore July 21, 2005
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A Canadian screamo (emocore) band from St. Catherines, Ont.
They have screamer George Petit, guitar/vocals Wade MacNiel (aka Wade Preston), guitar/vocals Dallas Green, bassist Chris Steele, and drummer Jordan "Ratbeard" Hastings. They have released 3 full albums and a split ep with band .Moneen. George, Wade, and Jordan are in a side project called "The Black Lungs". Dallas is pursuing s solo side project called "City And Colour" You can buy his first album "Sometimes" in stores.
Man, I just love Alexisonfire's style, they are a great band! GO CANADA!
by ScreamingSyllables September 13, 2006
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