Adner is a great friend, truly loves the people in his small circle. He is a thinker, a philosopher, with his thinking also come conflicting thoughts. He doesn’t think like the rest. He can have some mood swings and a little bi polar, but for the most part he is a great person. He can be argumentative, and impose his opinions. He loves hard, and even if he makes mistakes he can reflect on them and he will always make up for it and make it right with the person. Adner puts the people he loves first. He has a deep voice and it is captivating. Tall and handsome, but that’s not what makes people like him. It’s definitely his sweet side that people prefer. It’s that all handsome man with a sweet, heartwarming side that makes him perfect.
by Anonymous 61718291881 November 22, 2021
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It is like Brendan backwards, but he wanted the first and last letters gone for that one tik tok trend.
by Music_Man_05 March 31, 2021
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