The irrational fear of having only one sexual mate, or going without sex.
Unfortunately our human biology is 1/2 Tournament Species and 1/2 Pair Bonding.
Physically we want to fuck so much...
but Emotionally we want one person to connect with.

Logically, if you only ever have sex with the one person you love and married, you won't know what you're missing, and the sex you're getting, will be the best you ever had.
Also, couples need to learn eachothers turn-ons...

No one is perfect (unless they're very experienced) which means they have tons of casual sex, which means they are horrible at relationships.
So keep it in your pants, for your own good.
Guy 1 : "I want to fuck atleast 3 girls before I get married... ya know?"
Guy 2: " I want to fuck every bitch, cause that's my biological imperative, but honestly, if you pick the right girl (and get a pre-nup) you'll be fine. Don't need to risk those STDs bro. Sounds like you've got abstainaphobia."
by Phantom649 June 3, 2019
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