Very charming, cute and funny person you can ever meet. Once you fall in love with her u will never leave her! She will do anything for her loved ones and friends are her first priority. She is very jovial and she is very smart and intelligent!
Katherine: I cut my friendship with Aboorva.

Lisa: Oh no! i dont even know how do u cut the frienship with a charming person like that. So badddd!
by Karan mehta November 23, 2021
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Very sweet and smart girl. Very romantic and if u are her boyfriend she will never leave you. U can never find a Aboorva and dont lose a Aboorva because she is very precious. Always friendship will be her priority and she is a girl who loves to be proposed to. She is a bit cranky and funny sometimes tooo..
Emily: hey y u look sad?
Kat: I seenzoned Aboorva
Emily: Oh how can you do that to such a charming girl.
by Karan mehta November 25, 2021
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