When a crazy satanic Christmas Critters bear with AIDS rips your eye out of the socket and pees inside of your skull.
Guy 1: "Whats up with the eye patch?"

AIDS victim: "Some crazy bear gave me the AIDS Eye."

Guy 1: "Ouch!"
by Supa' Dub T June 30, 2008
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A disease contracted when someone takes your glasses and puts them on without permission. Kills twice as many people annually than Dubstep Overload.
Annoying girl: Nico can I put your glasses on?

Nico: Sorry, I kind of need them to, you know, see.

Annoying girl takes glasses anyway: K, thanks

Nico (sarcastically): Uh-Oh, lets really hope you don't get my Eye AIDS.

Annoying girl: Eye AIDS?

Nico: Yeah, it's a disease that's transfered by sharing glasses with another person.

Annoying girl who is also easily tricked: You can have these back.
by SMSchoirboy January 28, 2012
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