A Boy Band From South Korea.

Made their debut on September 4, 2008

Their Label is mainly JYP entertainment.

They are made up of 11 Members, HOWEVER they are divided into 2 subgroups.

2PM is one of the sub groups; made up of 7 members.

They are more of a dance group than their other half, 2AM.

Park, Jaebeom - Leader, vocalist,lead dancer, rapper

April 25, 1987

(Born In Seattle, Washington)

Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul - Vocalist
June 24, 1988
(Born In Rancho Cucamonga, California)
(Grew up in Thailand& California.)
(Studied in New Zealand)

Ok Taecyeon - Main Rapper, Vocalist
December 27, 1988
(Born in Seoul, South Korean, immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts as a child)
(Auditioned in New York for JYP)

Kim Junsu - Lead vocalist
January 15, 1988
(Daegu, Korea)

Jang Wooyoung - Main vocalist
April 30, 1989
(Busan, Korea)

Lee Junho - Main Vocalist,dancer
January 25, 1990

Hwang Chansung - Vocalist, rapper
February 11, 1990
2PM-Loving-Person-#1: 2PM is HOTT!!!! :O

2PM-Loving-Person-#2: I KNOW.
LIKE THEIR FIRST ALBUM: "2PM: Hottest Time Of Day".

----------------Months Later-------------------

2PM-Loving-Person-#1: 2PM Is SO HOTTT.

2PM-Loving-Person-#2: I know, but it's "Time For Change."
They are not only "HOT", but they have also changed.

Just look at Chansung's New Short Hair. Nichkhun's ALSO shorter Hair, Junsu's HOTTER changed look....etc.

The point is, "2:00PM: Time For Change"
by xKarenooooooooo July 19, 2009
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The first k-pop group ever to backstab their leader and diss their fans, resulting in a massive wave of their private information held by stalker fans to the public.

After their leader Park Jaebum left because he said Korea was gay on his myspace as a teenager, his fans went crazy and protested and vandalized buildings with post-its over rumors that he was forced to leave by the company.

This led to a company-2PM-fan meeting in the end of February, which ended with disastrous results as apparently the group and company knows shit about PR. So pretty much there are thousands of pissed off fans that turned into anti-fans and are spreading rumors or whatever about the 2PM guys private lives.

So yeah everythings looking shitty on them right now, but before all of this, they were THE BEASTIEST MEN ON THE PLANET and started a whole new wave and genre of k-pop idol groups.

Too bad.
by Crunchieyo March 3, 2010
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M: I hate 2pm
J: Yeah me too , those bunch of usless organisms.
by jenpew July 19, 2010
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Nichkhun: What time is it?

Jaebeom: Its 2PM!
by i <3 Nichkhun August 25, 2009
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2pm hell

When you have an appointment at say 9AM or anytime before 2PM or you just want to wake up really early so you plan to go to sleep early, but then you end up going to bed at 4/5 AM and pray that you wake up early, but then you wake up in a panic, check your phone to see it's 2PM and now you're regretting all my life choices
Person 1: I'm going to bed early so i dont miss my appointment and end up in 2pm hell

Person 2: I've been in 2PM hell once, it was horrible
by idontknowhowicomeupwiththese January 9, 2023
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