The exaggerated claim of high-iq superiority by failed comedian and fake homesteader owen benjamin. He claims that he has super powers that other people don't have because he has a 147 IQ and understands how to rule the world. What's funny is that someone with such a high IQ constantly finds himself being banned from everything due to his inability to concoct a scheme to avoid this. He really is a short bus rider with narcissism.
"Owen thinks he's smarter than everyone else, but he totally has a 147 IQ!"
by nmw_nmw March 3, 2020
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It is said by many people, Execution Order 147 will soon set a war between the Arcanums & The Legacies Family.
"We can't do Execution Order 147, It will cause our family to be destructed" Said by an Arcanum Member.
by Ilixunium November 29, 2018
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