Anis is generally a name 9f a guy, it's an arabic name which define a reality sweet level of friendship like the one who's always by your side, and yes he was, Actually he was the first person who accepted me as I am, the person who made me feel even a bit that I am loved, the first one who made me feel like I'm something special in this world, even tho I wasn't, he was the first person who believed in me like literally the first one, he was always by my side he even used to wake up late at night and text me and check on me if m scared because he knew I can't handle staying alone with my thoughts but sadly I lost my anis,it's aight imma meet him one day in another life .
I hope from the bottom of the bottom of my heart that you'll find an Anis in your lives
You are my أنيس/anis it means you're the one who's by my side and the one I'd never feel lonely with
by April 18, 2023
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