
1. A pill for crazy people, or people who want to stop their family from looking at them funny, including the family dog.

2. Helps people to take away "bad" thoughts.

3.Saves the world from crazy moms on towers with guns.

(kid)"Mom, why don't you love me anymore?"

(mom)"Because your ugly, and I hate the world, but it's ok, the dr. gave me some Cymbalta!"

(kid)"Goody, can we get ice cream now?"

(mom)"No, my pills are not covered that well."
by BlitzK22 August 26, 2008
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a pill that makes life better
and gets you FUCKED UP(;
cymbalta is what my aunt takes, i steal them all the time they work if your crazy or not they put you in a hole diff. world(;
there fun to take in school(;

- just dont overdose thats NOT funn
by thisonebitch; June 15, 2010
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