I can't believe you spent $32.95 for an Urban Dictionary Mug.
by Officeworks July 25, 2022
Get the $32.95 mug.
The price of a Urban Dictionary mug as of the year 2023. Lets hope the price doesn't change!
I spent $32.95 on a mug that has $32.95 printed on it
by SharkNUb February 7, 2023
Get the $32.95 mug.
the price of the mug urban dictionary sells
Can I borrow $32.95 for the mug?
But I really want a bug with a permanent price tag!
by TemBoy04 October 29, 2021
Get the $32.95 mug.
As of 2022, this is the price for an Urbandictionary mug.
Look below this definition and get that mug and show much you overpaid for it!!!
I paid $32.95 for an Urdic mug!!!
by plmjiuhnbvcdertg March 14, 2022
Get the $32.95 mug.