If you have no clue what you are supposed to do in the zoom meeting and you keep asking your friends cus you played too much coc
Look there is Jakob he is a lost boy
by bushnac February 10, 2021
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A True Grave Digger..The VERDANSK Legend…The Astronaut… A can’t miss player with a skill set to match 😈
“Aye did you see lost Gravvity’s new stream?”

“Hell yeah dudes a beast fr
by Lostgravo October 11, 2021
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It means Sarah lost in every way, shape, and form.
by Flavortownfieri March 12, 2016
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(German slang)
somebody who struggles to get anything done (in time), is super chaotic or always late
1. "Wow, Jan is so lost, I've been waiting for him for 2 hours!"
2. Jan : "You know me, I'm lost, cut me some slack."
3. "I don't know anybody else who is as lost as Jan. He always go to bed at 4 am, sleeps till 3pm and misses all of his appointments."
by pure.chaos March 23, 2023
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