The answer to the most annoying question a woman can ask.
by Hot Rob February 3, 2004
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A word you say when there's so many of one thing that it's impossible to count
Everyone: How many disasters are you gonna cause?
2020: yes
by TheYear2020 April 11, 2020
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Ye, is a word used on the internet. People who can't be bothered to write a 3 letter word just shortens it to 2 letters. Ye, people are lazy.
"Hey, how are you" "Ye, I'm great."
by PigeonKing 1067 May 19, 2020
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"Do you like me?"
"Yes, I do."

"Hey, what's the name of that band you're listening to?"
"...Like I said, what's the name of the band you're listening to?"
"Um, that's not a yes or no--"
"The name of the band is Yes."
by Dudeliness November 28, 2007
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A word made famous by being used by contino that means "yes"
"Are you going to the game tonight?"

"Yeyeyeyeye of course I am!"
by Fledunduck November 10, 2009
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related to yea yah or yes.
hey are you going to the movies? ye, ill be there.
by Cody Copeland July 11, 2008
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When a guy asks a girl out and she tells him yes, but really means no because she's too nice to say no, which in turn messes with him more because he continues to think he has a chance, but really doesn't.
"Wanna go out with me this weekend?"

"So are you two going out?"
"I dunno, she's being all gay and withdrawn, I think it's a yes-no."
by Pail October 25, 2006
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