when the towel soaks up all the lies and then you squeeze them out.
by SydTheRealRealRealKid October 16, 2019
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A cloth kept nearby to clean up that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
Quick, grab me the Santorum towel before this gets all over.
by babycake & boo June 19, 2011
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A dish towel used as a napkin. It is often shared among people eating in the same room.
Yo! Pass the Etterman Towel, this Mr. Scrib's Pizza is greasy as hell.
by Curbdog December 6, 2020
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A bag of soiled and used towels stored at the front entrance of buildings.
Yo man, why you have to elbow drop me on the shit towels, now i gotta clean my ass up!
by The Lift March 8, 2009
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Towels hung at certain times of the year in the bathroom by the wife, mother, or female of the house to confuse the hell out of the Husband, son, or males in the house. These towels are meant for show only and are not to be used at all by anyone living in the home or guests that may come over. If they are used, the wife, mother, or females of the house will flip out on the husband, son, or male of the house that used the towel.
Female: "Ok who just used the Christmas towels in the bathroom?

Male: "I did. Why?"


Male: *Gives a very confused look and asks*

What the hell? Why not?

All females in the house respond: BECAUSE THEY ARE "SHOW TOWELS" YOU IDIOT!
by nextrockstar88 December 18, 2009
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A large towel laid on top of bed sheets, designed for the sole purpose of having sex on, reducing the chance of soiling the bed sheets with bodily secretions.
Girl: Wait! Not yet. Let's get the sex towel.
by BullygirlO April 26, 2020
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A towel one uses to ejaculate on when masturbating. Usually a distinct towel from other towels so that a person might not mistakenly use the monkey towel to wash ones face or body.
I was so horny last night because I was watching "Supernanny". Good thing I had my monkey towel near by!
by BeEmDe January 22, 2007
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