A lot of this is mind blowing… experiencing this love for him definitely is the top, but then so many people all feeling similar things. Yeah… I am back on that again:)

I thought the drawbridge was a cute analogy… just came to me. I know my kind is nuts… 🐿️ face :)

My mind scrambling is when I am too tired to think or put complete thoughts together… or exercise my mute button. For instance, I was behind a gentleman at the checkout and he was buying cheese a few days ago. I looked at him and asked him he was feeling cheesy:) probably should have kept quiet:)
What are these romantic things you plan? I think some of the simplest things are romantic… going in a picnic to watch the sunset is one… shockingly, I have never done it.

Of course, I have plans… I am the master of ideas:) I would say I have a solid three:) maybe even four lol…
I need to see his eyes!!! One way or another I will…

Even if I have to dress up as a dancing olive:)
Hope all is great with you!!!
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Q: How you doin? A: I'm great.
You're the greatest thing since sliced bread man.
by 1234CanIHaveALittleMore July 19, 2007
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The Great Stare is what most students do when they wake up on the first day of school. Classified as staring at a wall or other surface , for Atleast 60 seconds, as soon as you wake up on the first day of school.
“School is going to suck this year, I woke up today and had The Great Stare
by Generation Z gang August 18, 2019
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