A tall ass giant with train tracks in his mouth who likes playing video games while drinking gamer girl bath water, he also tells mom jokes and there's nothing worse than a guy who dresses like your dad tell a bitch joke.

Josh Carlin has fucking Train Tracks in his mouth and that's why he cant eat the pussy unless its put in the blender.

Another thing is if you come up to him to say HI you have to whisper because he's mildly autistic and if your too loud he'll put his hands over his ears and yell "SENSORY OVERLOAD!" and he will fucking explode from the rectum up.

Finally he really looks like jimmy neutrons brother that was in a really bad car accident and got his spine severed and now he's a crippled tard who can somehow walk.
Aiden: What the fuck Joshua Carlin you cant hide a body in the wood chipper

Josh: Shut up she's already dead

Aiden: What if they turn it on?

Josh: *Laughs all congested sounding*
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The coolest british guy you will ever meet he is so hilarious and is also writing this description himself he is so hot too!!!
Jayden Carline is so hot
by Dino765 April 28, 2023
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I almost told off three Karen’s waiting in carline.
by Gshlon December 4, 2021
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