Amazing singer who likes to relate to her fans. Holds more records for her albums then many other singers. Not to mention "How Do I Live" with an amazing 69 weeks. So seems like some people like her if you have no talent don't take it out on her
by Biggest Fan 5555 June 25, 2009
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the human embodiment of thrush. she's as interesting as a rock.
omg, have you seen leanne furmedge? :O she's the human embodiment of thrush. she's as interesting as a rock.
by winglewangle August 27, 2008
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independant, fun, random and beautiful. But once you get to know her, she has a whole different side. She's emotional with problems to deal with. has many friends who wanna be there for her but, she keeps everything to herself. Most people don't understand her because she's too complicated. thinks low of herself. feels she deserves nothing. thinks no one loves or cares for her and will deny you if you tell her you love her. most incredible person you'll ever meet, though she's got so many flaws, she's most loveable. might be unfaithful, ungraceful and unlovley but, you'll love her. NEVER ever tell her to jump of a building and Don't let her cut or drink.
Person one: See that independant beauty sitting in the corner? I wish i could help her, she looks so sad.

Person two: Yeah who is she?

Person one: I don't know, I heard she's leann sanchez

(A huge posse walks over and surrounds her in joy and laughter)

Person two: Oh that explains it
by crushh July 29, 2009
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leanne angela naylor is so and loves boys that treat her with respect not like a bag of rubbish. leannes love staying fit for example going to gymnastics and the gym.

leanne has loads of mates called chloe. for example(chloe louise patricia gill)
if you hurt leanne she will find a way to get you back no matter what.
leanne angela naylor is a girl who like to be treat with respect
by it very true March 31, 2017
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Is the art of a woman in her 40’s pretending she’s off at her job when she’s really off playing around. Job titles usually include ‘air-hostess’ as this can maximise her time away from the home.
Carly: “Hey Leanne’s looking all done up today” Hayley: “Yeh it’s the cravat I think! Leanne’s loving her new job at Qantas
Hayley “What can I say, Leanne’s at work”
by Carly and Hayley June 15, 2022
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Savannah leann is one of the most special girls youll ever meet. There normally Burnett with brown eyes. If you ever see a savannah leann she will most likely have blonde highlights. Trust me they will fit her. Sje is the most sweetest girl youll meet. But dont piss a savannah off or shell beat tf outta you. Oh and thet make wonderful girlfriends Get your self a savannah and you will greatly appreciate her as a friend, Bestfriend, or girlfriend.
Guy: damn dude who is that she hot asf
Other guy: thats savannah, shes hella nice
Girl:...yeah ik, bc thats my girlfriend now back tf off
Savannah leann- is a wonderful hella hot girl
by Gangta_gurl101 May 16, 2018
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