The best album on earth by the best band on earth.

fyi:to the guy who posted the 7th definition im 15 and have been listening to green day since i was 3 got a guitar at 10 could play most songs on it.first was welcome to paradise.then international superhits! came out and i thought they were over......
by james February 23, 2005
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An bull shit so called "rock opera" about how teens have so much trouble in life. Performed by 3 airheads that try to be different when really they conform to pop culture and are homophoebic.
A real rock opera is Tommy by the Who
by Michael Altner August 2, 2005
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OK i know all you people are drooling over this record but to tell you the truth its just brain washing you i mean if you really look into the lryics you will see that it supports the government and is makeing you all conform. if you listen to this album sirously you will become the american idiot
(((none given))) (((none given)))(((none given)))
by garlickman March 15, 2005
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Green Day for making a bad album that's bad from beginning to end at this late stage in the game.And it's all because they tried to get political and therefore got "too cute" with the music and too fancy with the production and ended up with a bunch of poopy songs.
Don't wanna be an American Idiot? Then don't make an album of pure shit!!!
by Mr. long wanger September 30, 2004
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A person (usually a female between the ages of 9 and 15), who "likes" Green Day (spelt as "Greenday" by these creatures.) (see teenybopper), only since their successful album that they released in 2004, American Idiot. These people usually only know of Billie Joe Armstrong as THE member of "Greenday". The ways they spell Billie Joe's name are REDICULOUS!! Examples for the mis-spellings are: Billy Joe Armstrong, Billy Jo Armstrong, Billy Jo, and Billie Jo Armstrong. Sad, yes, I know. They do not know of Green Day's older, and somewhat better albums: 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, Kerplunk, Dookie, Insomniac, Nimrod, and they MAY know ONE OR TWO songs from "Warning". They know of American Idiot as "Greenday's first album". And usually don't even listen to the best songs on there! They listen usually (ONLY) to tracks 1, 3, 4, and 11. (American Idiot, Holiday (probably because it fades into Boulevard of Broken Dreams, which most of these things call "Iwalk Alone"), and Wake me up When September Ends. Nope, not Letterbomb, not Homecomeing, not She's a Rebel, nothing else. They may also know 21 Guns and/or Know Your Enemy from 21st Century Breakdown. And if they don't listen to the music, (which most don't), they only focus on how "super haaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwtttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!" Billie Joe is.
Teenybopper: 0h Th41 8177y Jo ArMsTrOnG iS, lYk, SoOoOoOo000, haaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwttttttt!!!!!oneone1111111elevenone!!!!!!111eleven 1 w4nt 2 h4V oVeR 1234567890987654321234567890 oF hIZ BaYbEEeeeZZZZ!!!!!!11111111oneoneoneeleventyone1111!!!!! AnD H15 W1f3 c4n f477 1N 4 HoLE aND DyE!!!!!!!11111eleventyone111!!22

Normal (Real) Green Day fan: When did Green Day's first album come out?

Teeny: UuUuUuhhhhhhh... 2004!1!oneeleven DUh!!!!!!!!1111oneone111eleventyone1111~!~~!!!!!!!!!!

Real fan: Nope! 1989!

Teeny: Nu-uh! Am3R1C4N 1D01+ c4M3 0u+ 1N 2004!!!!!!!11111oneoneone111!!!~~~~eleventyone

Real fan: Goodbye you stupid American Idiot Fan.
by I-Hate-Teenies November 3, 2010
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Mostly made up people who believe Greenday is the best band in existance, when they've only listened to American Idiot and not their other, better records such as Nimrod. and 1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours. Usually cannot spell correctly ( I.E. Chatspeak. )and only discuss about how Billie Joe is 'amazingly hott' whilst they most likely do not even pay attention to the music.

"Oh. So you're an American Idiot fan. -sharpens knife.-"


"Fans of Greenday usually have bad grammer. Oh, I get it. Greenday makes people dumb."
by Mrs. Self Destruct September 21, 2005
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