The state of being completely stoned/high from smoking cannabis
How are you feeling after blazing that spliff?

Man, I am completely lean
by billy bob joes 23 July 22, 2009
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When you're very high
Man I'm so lean!
by Nom8 December 14, 2014
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to knock a muafucka out
like when frazier was goin down lol he gat he gat leaned
by young deuce May 31, 2007
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To be high/ under the influence of cannabis and only cannabis. Consists of mainly a body high (a high that affects the body, e.g. Not being able to walk straight would be a body high however not being able to think straight would be a mind high). It derives from ones legs not being able to withstand the weight of a humans body and so they must lean on something to stay upright.
Wow man, after we smoked all that dope i was so lean!
by a large anus July 18, 2014
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(v.) to be quite blazed
"Smoke weed and be lean." ~The Streets
by Chandler W December 2, 2006
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