A women with curves just like a coke bottle, glass..
Look at that beautiful women over there she's shaped just like a coca-cola bottle.🙌🙏
by Poppy 717 gbb September 2, 2018
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A redbone (light-skinned black girl) with a curvaceous body similar to the shape of a coca-cola bottle
by Raillio August 28, 2009
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a crisp coca cola to brighten your day and improve your mood
Man: man, this crisp coca cola sure is delicious
by bazzokaguy September 8, 2018
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A variation of your beverage Coca Cola.
Contains extra caffeine, so much that it actually smells like coffee, it tastes so strong it really does wake you up.
So far i've only seen it available Europe (not the UK though.)
I need to wake up, get me a can of Coca Cola Blak will ya?
by Fleeble June 17, 2007
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(n) The practice of rinsing the vaginal vault with a carbonated beverage, such as a cola drink. The can or bottle is usually agitated vigorously post coitus, and the ensuing spray is directed towards the vaginal opening. In the 1950s, prior to availability of the oral contraceptive pill, this was considered a form of birth control, and Coca cola was thought to have some spermicidal properties. Referred to in the song "Coca Cola Douche" by 60s New York band, The Fugs.
Archie: Oh no, my rubber burst!
Betty: Never mind, give me a Coca Cola douche.
by Dr Merkin March 14, 2009
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