noun or verb (adjective - see beasty)

n: someone/something one thinks is cool or someone/something one likes/is fond of
n(2): a girl who resembles the inside of someone's crusty asshole; an ugly bitch who makes you gag when you look at her
v: to bitch someone out; to verbally own someone
n: Steve's a fuckin beast.
n(2): Melissa looks like a dude.. Ugh what a beast.
v: Bill got beasted by Mina.
by sLicK 2 thA bOne March 9, 2005
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Something that is very good, has exceptional qualities, is very large or just generally something that makes life more entertaining that the utter wank that it normally is.
'That is a beast' or 'what a beast'
by Gay Bear August 12, 2007
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Milwaukee’s Best Light. The only beer found at UD and many other college campuses. Horrible taste but you get used to it only because it does the job.
I need to get some Beast/food in me.
by Jeff K October 3, 2002
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Man, I drank the beast last night and now I can't get of the hopper.
by Laxin MoFo June 3, 2004
Get the The Beast mug. who is the top dog,the shit animal that frightens people
by JERKER19 July 17, 2010
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An adjective used to describe someone who enjoys beastiality and finds animals sexually attractive.
1:"My dog is licking my crotch"

2:"You're so beast
by HooLoO October 22, 2009
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