Gets mad a lot, bad kid, and lots more
by Professor crock January 9, 2019
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Kiana with one N is worse than 2 N. Kiana is a cheating ass bitch, but not only that she dates evry guy she sees and gets heart broken in a week.
by ihateniggers232 May 21, 2020
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My friend's with benefits. Very outgoing, sexy, hot, smart, big booty bitch, big titty kitty, tight coochy. Not very athletic but extremely thicc. Lowkey a hoe but guess what I'd still tap. She is secretly in love with me.
Kiana is my bitch.
Kiana wants to hook up with me so bad.
by Pussyclapper June 18, 2020
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Kiana is the type of girl to be very shy. She doesn't come off as the talking type, but once you get to know her, that bitch will talk your ear off. I would know, because I am a Kiana. But Kiana can also give some great head if she wanted to. Cross a girl like her, and it will not end pretty. She isn't a fake person if you're friends with one. She will have your back through anything.
Kiana is a very shy person
Kiana talked my ear off so much
Kiana gave me some good head
by bisexualwhore April 25, 2020
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kiana is very hilarious , powerful and strong girl. she cares very much for her friends but get on the bad side of her it will not be pretty . kiana has a side of her that is very dangerous but she can act totally opposite in school and with faimly.
friend: it's so boring with kiana not here
by lourdes martinez June 5, 2015
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kiana's are very agressive people. They find their ways into the most weirdest of crouds and, love to fight. They can have their "blonde" momments but you'll rarley catch one when they have it. Although they are agressive, they are too much fun to be around and you would be very lucky to have one with you, charish them closley. They are also very loyal and protective about their friends!
Mp: Hey did you see Kiana today?
Aly: ya she was fighting that girl today for making fun of her friends.
by Mp2222 January 1, 2012
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Someone who is sexy, smart, soothing, gorgeous, and selfless inside and out. Once your friends with this person or fall in love with this person, it`s for life. amazing and extremely cute and beautiful (even though she won't admit it). Shes like one of the guys but looks and acts like the perfect girl. She can be dangerous if you upset her deeply or hurt her, but when shes did with you, you will want her back because of shes awesome and makes the perfect girlfriend.she likes funny guys . she may not be gorgeous on the out said but on the in the side . her butt is fat ass fuck . and everybody talks about her when is just want to make friends
by Martin Brown April 28, 2017
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