A Anthony is one heck of a person. He is a ladies man, smartest person ever and is vey good at sports. But he is black. You do not want to mess with an Anthony he will twist your nipples so hard. But when he is on his good side he is really chill. To bad he couldn’t stay away from the drugs. I should have help you. See ya later pal
R.I.P 1/3/16
Wow Anthony was the best
by Nick0414 March 15, 2019
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Someone who is insecure but sexy and hot and doesn’t know it. You’ll fall in love with him so hard that you won’t be able to let go when he can turn around and never look back. He will love you and care for you but at the same time he can hurt you and make you cry for him so hard. He will fall in love with you at first and you’ll take it for granted but when he takes you’re love for granted you’ll regret everything. You would do anything to get him back. He is such a good and easy person to talk to and even when not in a relationship you’ll love him as a friend with all ur heart. Anthony will hurt you a million times and even after everything you would still want to go back to him. You will somehow still love him. You would trust Anthony like you've never trusted anyone in your life. Everyone will like Anthony and that will bother you because you want him all to yourself, you will never forget Anthony. I love Anthony.
Me, " I fell in love with Anthony. I don't wanna lose him".
Friend," Oh honey, You fell in love with an Anthony. Good luck with that recovery".
by WTFLOVE October 30, 2017
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Anthony is a person that is the definition of color red, which implies “danger”. An Anthony always carries a red flag and is not afraid to wave it every time a young female approaches it. You can use an Anthony to make females flustered. You can also use the word “tonton” for short for Anthony.
What you like Anthony? He literally looks like a red flag!
by Miliebe May 19, 2022
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Anthony: A common Italian name with a nickname most related to mobster movies; Tony.

This particular Anthony is a very good one. He is caring, romantic, has a great sense of humor, loves to be around his girlfriend, gives space when needed, closes space when she asks, a very hard worker, strong, supportive, thoughtful, and all around just a wonderful person to be around.

Most people that know a GOOD Anthony say that he is one of the most fun and best friends to have around, whether it's pretending to beat up his guy friends, or making his girl friends laugh and think he's a goof. Everyone loves him or wants to meet him at some point. He also impresses the parents of any girlfriend he's ever had.
Person#1: OMG did you see Anthony today?
Person#2: Yeah! Was he punching his friend into a fence?
Person#1: Nah, they do that all the time at the park, and film it for fun.
Person#2: That's so funny.
Person#1: Yeah, that's Anthony.
Person#1: You know, Anthony has a girlfriend named Megan?
Person#2: Yeah! I hear she loves him to death.
Person#1: Wow, I'm so jealous.
by MiAmour March 17, 2009
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Anthony is the most wonderful guy in the word.. Cares for his family, and friends, but doesn't tolerate crud. If you have a friend like my Anthony, your life will be complete. If you see this Anthony M., Thank you for always being in my life and I can't wait to for homecoming. I Miss you! <3
Anthony is awesome!
by Chey S :) October 6, 2011
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A boy with long brown flippy hair, loves to bike or hangout with friends. Is laid back and very chill. He is good with the ladies and a all around smooth talker. and easy to talk to Wears skinnies and hightops and hoodies alot. hes fresh
girl 1; Is that anthony?

girl 2; yeah

girl 1; aw hes so cute i love him
by Taylor Habushi February 19, 2011
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A sweet gorgeous guy that can't help but have fun. He is down to earth, playful, and is very caring towards his girlfriend. Anthony means no harm, and just loves to joke around. He is what some might say a hunk. He has a super fine body, loves to play sports, and is good at almost everything. Anthony is a true sex god. He gets horny, and think he isn't much of a flirter. (He gave up trying on this amazing girl.) Though when it comes to people telling him how amazing he is, he denies it. He has actually crushed on this beautiful girl for a while, though they are not going out, he know she likes him. But he is afraid. He generally thinks that if he tells her how they feel she might get hurt, considering he is not quite ready for a relationship.
-Hey did you know Anthony wants to go out with this apparently amazing girl!!

-She really is amazing, she beautiful and pretty and her name sometimes gets mistaken for Megan.

-Oh yeah. Her names just Meg, I remember Anthony telling me that she was his Gem.

-Oh he told me too. How cute is that. They should defiantly go out.

-But Anthony is so fine!

-They deserve each other.
by --Unknown--2709 March 29, 2010
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