A school full of white kids. The teachers are terrible and can’t say anyone’s name right. The school doesn’t have much money so they have a ton of useless fundraisers. It is a bad school here all the kids are depressed.
St. John the Baptist is the worst school.
by Hejdjfjr riock April 25, 2019
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a large piece of meat that hangs between a males legs
'fancy playing with my st johns pole luv?'
by chris markham May 8, 2007
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An all boys, Xaverian brothers sponsored high school in Danvers MA. Basically the best place on earth, as you get a grat education, meet some good friends, and watch some excellent all around high school athletics. Everyone knows our dances (especially girls) - they are the place to be if you are under 15 and dont know how to talk to girls. during the day, its a straight up brodeo. the prep is awesome
"Mike just graduated from St. John's Prep"
"Oh yeah. hes the man!"

Prep student's boss "where do you go to high school, son?"
Prep student "St. John's Prep"
Prep student's boss "Well why the hell didn't you say so? let me introduce you to my daughter..."
by undercovereagle10 July 10, 2009
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a school full of scruffs and pikeys who think there big and hard. they all lose their virginity in year 7 and most of the girls have an STD. every girl where's shorts that dont cover half of theie arse and are mostly the biggest slags in the county. most of the students are on crack and will probably be dead before they get to the age of 25.
'lad hew, wanna go tenners in on a bag of skunk when we get out of st johns school?'
'wellai lad, 2k10+3 BUZZIN HEW''
by pikey john December 30, 2013
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A small shit town just on the edge of florida. Where the word "swag" is over used. Port st. john consists of redneck/ hick wanna be's. Who think its cool to go out in the forest and build campfires to jump into. Potheads who light up in their bathrooms and utter things like "dude, I have no idea whats going on. Swag" Black people who act like theyre ghetto but in reality, too soft to move anywhere else. The only things to do here are drugs, drink, and have sex. So if your looking for a place to ruin your life.. This is where you need to be. Don't worry, If you ever want a smoking/ loitering location. There are over 8 churches that noone goes to. But bathrooms will work too.
person 1: "Hey man, we're gonna have a campfire in the middle of the forest and throw our drunk selves into it. Wanna join?"

person 2: "Naa dude. It's Port st. john. I'm gonna hit some friends up and smoke. Maybe snort some lines."

person 1: "SWAG"
by dixie normouss December 13, 2012
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A school in Houston for the kids that do nothing except for study. They are good at books and lacrosse, but as far as every other sport, Episcopal kicks their ass. Their quarterback, Lawson Gow, cried during the Episcopal versus SJS game this year and it was almost difficult to watch. The kids at here are nerdy, ugly, and the epitome of losers. Sometime, maybe, someone will teach the bitches a thing or too about being cool.
St. John's School Dance...
SJS Guy- Dude...check out that chick
other SJS Douche- the one with the head gear?
SJS Guy- yeah her she's hot!
other SJS Douche- yah i'd "tap that" LAUGH OUT LOUD...*snorting*
by ehs bra December 7, 2006
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A bunch of pussies that lose to Xaverian in sports year after year. Also they even have a tough time beating lower-tier MIAA teams.
It's too bad Mariann, I just don't think St. Johns Prep has what it takes to beat even Waltham this year.
by Erik787 May 23, 2011
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