THE worst group of sissies ever. Notice how i didn't say the worst BAND ever. They don;t deserve to be called a band.
Linkin Park is a bunch of hermafrodites screaming at eachother and calling it music.
by [jenna] May 15, 2005
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A shitty emo band that has no talent at all. The lead singer only screams and when he actually sings, it sounds like shit. The "rapper" has absolutely no talent and cannot rap worth a shit.

Guy 1: Yo, let's go to a Linkin Park concert!

Guy 2: No, you punk-ass bitch! Linkin Park sucks!
by Maccer May 26, 2005
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An awsome band that has saved countless lives.
A band that has used their own real life experences to help many others through tough times in their lives.

But get one thing straight...
me: linkin park kick ass
Friend: Yeah.. Must agree there..
by jennaLPU84 July 1, 2006
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The worst fukan band known to man. Consist of about 6 ass clowns who sound like shit and look like shit. They are considered metal, when really there nothing more than crappy, poppy, useless, mainstream whores. They are the epitome of what is bad with music, and are nothing more than shit nu metal. Their singer sound like angry little chihuaha, and their rapper sounds like a cat being run over. Totally lowered themselves by teaming with that dirty nigger Jay Z. Now exist soley for the purpose of destroying today's youth. A disgrace to everything rock and music stands for. All members should be shot, then cut into lots of little bits, then burned. May they rot in hell
Linkin Park are the worst band known to mankind. They make the Spice Girls look like the originators of music. Liking them will totally ruin your social life

Fag: "Hey dude, wana go listen to some Linkin Park?!"
Normal person: "Dude your a fuken loser, go and die, just wait till I tell everyone, get out of my site shit stain"
by LPHATER June 25, 2005
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greatest band eva consist of:
1. Chester Charles Bennington
2. Michael Kenji Shinoda
3. Robert Gregory Bourdon
4. Joseph Hand
5. Bradford Philip Delson
6. David Michael "Phoenix" Farrell
4.joe or remy
by king of rock March 15, 2005
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Band who does write their own songs. who gets wrongly accused by jackasses. Its stands for purely goodness.
GosH.. Dis music is so linkin park.. everyone loves it
by Sabaratnam July 9, 2004
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A great rock/alternative rock band. Some of their songs include "Numb", "In the End", and "Breaking the Habit".
Guy 1: "I just got Linkin Park's new CD, Meteora!"
Guy 2: "Dude, they have a newer one with Jay-Z. It's called Collision Course. Dumbass."
Guy 1: Damnit all!
by jc4u June 8, 2005
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