A taco fiesta is when a group of people get together or have a party and only girls show up. Its like the female version of a sausage fest.
"last night i went to a party and i really wanted to hook up with someone but it was a TOTAL taco fiesta"
by knels October 19, 2009
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Our substitue teacher came in the door, hand at a 45 degree angle with a crotch wedgie from his short-shorts, and I just turned to my friend Adam and said, "Dude, this has officialy become a salchichas fiesta."
by Ian Suri May 8, 2006
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The cute but vicious spider that's featured in many of the later Lol-Comics. It always wears a sombrero and loves Mexican food and if you bring it Chinese food, it will be upset. Often times, even when it's being flushed down a drain, it will yelp out "Fiesta!".
Dude, did you see that spider?! That was crazy...it was wearing a sombrero and it ate all my Mexican food! It looks like it doesn't want anything to do with your Chinese food. I think I heard it say "Fiesta!" too when it was going after my Mexican food! I'm going to call it the "Fiesta Spider"!
by izcool May 31, 2011
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The new shape Mini, especially and including the new Mini Cooper S.
I was at a mini show, and was running a competition where you guess the number of ballons in the mini (old shape), the prize was a radio controlled model of a Brand New BMW Mini Cooper S. Bearing in mind that this was an old shape mini show, and all of these fans hate the new mini, several people made quite nasty comments, the nicest was "It's a BMW Fiesta!"
by Mr Sleeze (Cheese) July 13, 2006
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A name given to a rusty old claptrap Ford Fiesta. An alternative to 'Uncle Fester The Fiesta'. The name is a spoof of Uncle Fester (Fester Adams) from the Adams Family who is portrayed to be stupid, old and ugly.
Guy 1: Hey dude, the Fiesta failed it's MOT, guess it's time to scrap the pile of junk
Guy 2: Ohh dude,. I'm gonna miss the festering fiesta
by ScrappingMyFiesta June 15, 2011
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When all of the guests at a particular party are underage girls or boys.
Steve and I hit up Wendy's party last night, but it turned out to be a total molesta fiesta, so we wound up heading home early.
by Verbal Platinum Princess April 25, 2009
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1) the opposite of a sausage fest; that is, a social gathering predominantly composed of women.

2) a hispanic-themed celebration at which tacos are a common appetizer.
1) Guy 1: Hey man, you go to kyle's garage party last weekend?
Guy 2: yea man it was sick! he's gay and he invited all his fag hags, so it was totes a taco fiesta. Massive biddies on deck.
Guy 1: clutch man, clutch.

2) ah sí, cinco de mayo, lo fanfarria excelente! Cómo me gusta una fiesta de tacos auténticos!
by ogacihc May 13, 2011
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