When someone is bringing you down, getting on your nerves with their negativity, being an all round annoyance due to their lack of enjoyment of life.
Also can be said as "Deb" "Debster" or "The Deb"
God why is she being such a Debbie?
Last night she was such a Deb.
SHe said she was going to drive us last night but then the Debster came out to play and we had to take a taxi
The Deb made an apperance last night, what a bummer.
by GreekLovers March 26, 2009
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Debbie or Debbies refers to a group of girls, who all act alike, look alike, or very similar, and who blabber on about nothing we normals would care about - ie; the real blah blah blah. Debbies tend to think they are better than most ppl, walk around with a very high and mighty attitude, and love to give you looks of disgust, or 'what the hell'. Debbies are known to run in packs, or doubles. Usually Debbies are the drunk sloppy playboy wannabes at the bar.
"Look at that group of Debbies hanging off that guy.. Just so sloppy."
by ThePEnemy March 13, 2009
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shortened from the recurring Saturday Night Live skit, Debbie Downer, a "debbie" is a person who consistently makes negative and cynical comments. She brings everyone down with every comment. On the skit, her conversations killers were always followed by the classic "waaan waaan."
John: Let's go to the carnival!
Jane: I heard more people die on carnival rides than any other cause of death in the US.
John: Thanks for being such a debbie.
by kgots127 August 13, 2007
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A generic fat white girl. Usually with a very low self esteem.
dude1:"Dude look at those debbies on that weight loss commercial"

dude2:"hahaha there so fat...but somehow sexy...."
by Ingaenglish February 12, 2010
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The commander of milk. One who, in fact, will stop at nothing to get her way. The milk she requests is needed at all costs.
Debbie: "GET THE MILK!"
Subject: "NO!" "Subject 2 go get it!"
Subject 2: "Fine..."
by D Slake April 18, 2007
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Debbies, or dbs, is short for douchebags. If you want to refer to a group of lowlife scumbags who have no business existing on this planet, but don't want to be too obvious about your true feelings (or have an aversion to the word douche) use this term. This term can also be singular, as in a debbie.
Friend 1: I think I like men who wear Ed Hardy, GTL and spike their hair.
Friend 2: So, basically you like debbies

Person 1: Well, I thought I liked this guy. But when I found out he was dating my best friend after telling me I was the one, I realized he was a total debbie.
by ALTes March 31, 2013
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Probably the most narcissistic person you will ever meet! She loves herself the most (more than everyone else). She is going to marry herself... In the end, she can be okay (sometimes... results may vary).
Debbie tried to write her own definition.
by Mr C June 26, 2018
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