A bad player who sinks his whole team and should touch a computer.
I had cyclone turnip on my team, and now I have no rank.
by Connor Kyser January 12, 2020
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Bomb Cyclone (Noun and Verb) - The act of clearing the gastrointestinal tract through the consumption odd food combinnations and/or nearly expired food. Normally, a natural process however the participant intentionally chose food, against better judgment and must deal with consequences from consuming said food. The "Bomb" referring to the expulsion act. The "cyclone" referring to the swirling motion of the toilet water.
1. I have a 2 for 1, Chipotle....Dude, Let's get the tofu. No Bomb Cyclone today!
2. Dude, I went to grandma's and she made some sweet ass ham balls. 2 hours later, Bomb Cyclone!
by todamhyp January 28, 2022
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2018 snow storn that swept through the South
Did you guys get caught in that bomb cyclone?
by Kayladinero January 7, 2018
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A straight origy involving only rapid fire anal play.
My husband and I went to our first swingers party last night and it turned into a full blown, overwhelming anal cyclone. Now I'm shitting pancakes.
by Squid's House October 7, 2013
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During anal sex between a man and a woman, the man pees while the woman poops.
by Hahns Jensley December 18, 2006
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1: a person hailing from bean-town with serious issues regarding his stature both vertically and horizontally, especially so below the waste.
2: one who shoves egg-beaters into the orifices of others as a sexual act
John: Yo, cyclone scippa is really showing his penis envy today Marv.

John: Yo, we gotta call 'Gelo cyclone scippa after his date last night with Liz W.

John: watch out here comes cyclone scippa
by cyclone scippa December 8, 2007
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