dude i pulled a chanell last night, i dont remember how i got on ricks bathroom floor, at all.
by debra gibroson July 4, 2008
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a term for cocaine. Used Primarily in norcal and San Francisco area
by ferosh February 19, 2008
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Used to describe the drug crystal meth usually used by gay people
Hey you got any Chanel I’m lookin to score
by Kyle Brandon September 14, 2021
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Named after a Nazi, Chanels are both deeply kinky and disgusted by sex. Deeply attracted to skeletons. They spend their days foraging for food in the cupboard, playing sports while injured and watching more anime than than the creepy guy at the end of the street. They have a tendency to cause drama, then wonder why they are perpetually anxious.
"Who's Undertale hentai is this?"
"Must be Chanel's"
by Hobbit_guy September 10, 2021
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A girl that makes everyone laughs, she's always happy but when you say something that she don't like, she'll wouldn't want to talk and shut everyone out. She can talk to anyone she sees and rarely shy. But really fun to hang with.
Let's go hang with chanelle, heard she's really fun
by hoodrat1323 June 13, 2019
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Cocaine. as in coke coke chanel. for teenage drug users who are to fab for other bad code names for it like blow.
I need some Chanel tonight.
by Christian Horrible January 6, 2007
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Chanel is a girl who is very, very boy obsessed and needs a boyfriend, who is not a fuck-boy!
by Anonymous.tehe July 22, 2019
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