An over used word that roadmen use to express something that there is alot of.
There are bare pigeons on my roof
by HYPERMAN WET December 10, 2020
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Essentially British slang for very.
Adds emphasis to the point you are trying to make.
Dan: I was in maccies and a fight broke out.
Josh: yoo that's bare mad that.
Dan: did you see that new club opening.
Josh: yeah it looks bare sick.
by Bodotb July 12, 2019
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UK/Roadman (South London) way of saying a lot/a lot of. (or so as in a plus)
Joshua: Oi, fam! Man got bare vexed the other day when man's Samsung got jacked you kno'?
Bryan: Yeah fam, I get you. 'Coz all these moist little wastemen in the ends are jackers you kno'.
by man from ends September 29, 2020
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Also spelt Bear, this can mean lots of or very.
by The ßeast November 27, 2015
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old fart who usually drives a pussy little prius.
Wow that flamer is so bare in his little car.
by Shoemaker52 February 8, 2008
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bare usually means really or very using the language of scottish some would say. not all people use it but it can be used a lot by what we call chavs and roadmen
road man- ‘it’s bare cold outside fam’
chav- ‘you look bare ugly today luv
by banging 111 July 29, 2020
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it basically just meansa lot
monsters inc is the better movie”

“nah monsters university is bare better innit
by jkaiwjwnjaja December 24, 2021
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