A fat ass kid who gets no bitches , has multiple necks , likes to sit on his fat ass all day and do nothing
I need to lose some weight , I’m turning into brady 2 necks
by Austin Gregory March 14, 2022
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When your friend says something stupid and he loses in a verbal fight
Sagid: did you know that chickens lay eggs?
Me: give yourself 2 for dat
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How an obsessed jealous ex girlfriend reacts when she comes in contact with the love of her life in public and he is with another bitch
When i seen Cory with his new bitch at the park. I snapped like a 2 dollar lawn chair.
by A816K September 25, 2018
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A time for Jonathan and Jacob to hang out and watch some Disney+ or talk about some Grills. Its a chill time just for those too. And most importanly they only drink water while chilling.
Jacob: Ey its 2:18, what are we going to do?
Jonathan: Oh i have an idea. Lets hang and call it '2:18 for the boys'.
by the boiss March 31, 2020
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Person 1: h-h-hey
In Person universe version 2, Person 2 is born. Person 1 learns his first words.
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So ye I’m still in trouble but I decided I might as well learn Spanish.
Hola, ¿cómo están?
by Chocomilkdiva January 15, 2021
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If you are handed an uno 2 card and accept then you are interested in having a threesome with two other perticipants.
She accepted my uno 2 card. She's going to accept my threesome offering.
by Blowfish00 December 4, 2016
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