A girl whose beautiful and she has the best looking eyes and she has the best smile her breathe always smells amazing her teeth are so bright that it blinds the world she is a keeper and she won’t ever hurt you and if she does she will do anything to make it up she is a girl who makes other guys have their jaw on the floor she has the heart of gold and she has the mind of Albert Einstein she is the most perfect girl in the whole world and no one would ask for a different girl because she is so good to you she makes you feel like a teenager in love again she makes you feel like a kid when they get a piece of candy from the store she has the vocabulary of Shakespeare and she has the voice like Martin Luther king and she will always make you smile even through the shitty times and she will make you feel warm inside when she tells you that she loves you no one else is better then marissa ....
Josh: dude marissa is so fine

Derick: that’s my girlfriend bruh ....she is hot as fuck tho
by Derick v October 19, 2018
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The pretty witch, daughter of darkness, mother of all demons, and queen of the damned. Succubus named Lilith who is Ananaki. She is untamable, unruly and wife of the leader of the lawless ones. If you make a deal with the devil and seal it with a kiss you will forever be hers.
You don't know love until you have made a deal with Marissa, then you're forever and never hers.
by ShawnNPhx69 July 7, 2015
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A girl that has a perfect ass.
Guy 1: Did you see that Marissa the other day?
Guy 2: Yea. I really want to smack her ass.
by BillMurrayjr. October 28, 2016
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The sweetest girl in the world. She always puts others before herself. She has long blonde hair and plays soccer and is pro at it. When she holds you, you feel so safe. Like nothing can hurt you. She is easy to fall in love with.
That Marissa is perfect and beautiful.
by Deltasig March 26, 2014
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A girl that avoids the “Ur mom Gayroast to avoid death.
Josh: Hey Marissa guess what?
Marissa: What?
Josh: Ur mom.....
Marissa: *Slaps Josh right in his stupid Face*
by Dead A55 March 15, 2018
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