A hgtv show for bees.
Did you catch up on the last episode of hmm bees?
by hueuby January 31, 2017
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Pondering about the ignorance that someone just blurted out.

Thinking to ones self, when another is speaking; where are they going with this and where could I take it, then responding with "hmmm interesting".

Thinking to ones self all the different things that one could say in response negative or positive.
Adalynn says "I like fried chicken" and Esau, replies "hmm interesting".
by CDWULFF April 5, 2010
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to agree; yes; okay; indeed; indefinately; yup; ect. ect.
guy 1: dude i love this game
guy 2: ya dude it's gotta be the best game on the market
guy 1: mmm hmm
by TooMuchLSD September 21, 2007
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A sarcastic way of saying sure. Can be used to show doubt to another person.
Mm-hmm can also be followed up with "Sure you do" to show that you really don't believe them.
Guy 1: Hey! I have a girlfriend!
Guy 2: Mm-hmm. Sure you do.
Guy 1: Dude, I'm serious!
Guy 2: Mm-hmm. Sure you are.
by TorrenceGaming June 2, 2018
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An over use of the words 'hmm' 'urmm' 'ummm' 'Mhmm' or any other derivative. It's when people are thinking too much but have a lack of anything better to say.
Me: He left me, so rude, I wonder if I have done something wrong?

Matt: Hmmm

Me: he says I've changed, do you think I have?

Matt: hmmm.. oh no, I double hmm'd. =O

Me: Oh noes, you've got Hmm disease!!
by Kerry E June 11, 2008
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An obscure picture that makes you question how it exists. Some examples can be that an item is included but shouldn't be there, the photo doesn't make sense/ add up or it's just strange in general.
I follow a page that posts many hmm memes. One of the pictures is a of a person spreading vaseline on a cracker.
by Sudokuloser April 19, 2018
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1. Yes
2. A TV show that the Griffins watch on "Family Guy"
Bob: Are you sure I don't have a penis?
Job: Mmm hmm!

Announcer: We now return to "Mmm Hmm."
Lady 1: Mmm hmm.
Lady 2: Umm mmm!
Lady 3: Mmm hmm!
by PheagleAdler May 18, 2010
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