The act of being from the D block of Garcia Hall at NMSU.

Also involves yelling D BLOCK when you are in A-C patios, and as a response to any question or action. This response is unable to be beaten by any other response because of it's pure awesomeness.
Carlos-"D BLOCK!"
Gabe-"Dude be quiet"
Carlos-"Shut up, I'm just D Blocking"
by DBLOCKer24/7 August 20, 2011
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in AutoCad 2006, shor for Dynamic Block; a block entity which can be manipulated along predefined parameters using grip editing
damn! acad2k6 is too nice for you! d blocks are where it is at.
by PlotterMonkey August 9, 2005
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slang word used by mainly white people for a mudium sized city in connecticut, about 45 minutes from N.Y.C.
yo after we visit my auntie in d-block lets go pimp in new york.
by pimpinbt December 23, 2004
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Eric Dombrowski aka D-Block Some white kid that thinks he's really cool, but he looks like Clay Aiken. He tries to sleep wit anyone that has a vagina, and afterwards doesnt answer his phone. Pretty much no girl respects him, and he's lovin it. And he touched a jew's boobs when she was sleeping. SHE WAS SLEEPING!!!!!!!! U MOLESTED HER!!!!!!!! your sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. and secretly u like guys, everyone knows that. not that theres anything wrong wit that. gay ppl have feelings too. now go pick up ur fuckin guitar and write a song about ur bf..i mean gf..
Girl"hey, are your friends wit that Eric D-Block kid?"
Guy "Don't think about dating him, he'll ruin your life..just like he did that Catholic girl's...she used to be innocent, now she's spreading her legs for anyone...and damn its nice"

Eric "aahhhhhhhhhhh..u jus got dblockeddddddddd"
girl " i need to tell u a guy"
Eric "i knowwwwwwwwwww...woooo...dont tell my hot sister"

by T-Rolls December 22, 2005
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basically, an ebonic version of the word 'owned'
white guys sentence - man you just got owned
ebonic sentence - nigga you got staight-up d-blocked
by darthPASTA April 20, 2006
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Hey, let's get with the D block on saturday and throw in some of that Mint!
by Charles Lancaster May 16, 2006
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