a person that lurks, ventures, and fondles with your belongings. simultaneously
" you find what you were looking for, snoop dogg? "
by The New April 1, 2012
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A cool rapper but turnin abit gay with all this fag rap shit. drop it like its hot is still one of my favs and sum of da good shit songs with dre in.
lets go straight to da motherfuckin source and see wot we can find.

man snoop gotta stay away from da fag justin!
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An awesome rapper, who without him rap would be nowhere as popular as it is today. He always tells it like it is. Anyone who thinks differently is obviously jealous.
by snoops#1 August 4, 2005
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A gangsta who thinks a bit too much of himself....he has dun sum gd songs tho the ones with pharrel sound REELI HOT! lol He(snoop.) takes drugs and he has got arrested 4 times in national airports...in his raps he says alot of words with -izzle at tha end..hes so gangsta
by Gurlies December 2, 2006
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Former dope rapper, but sadly he has smoked himself stupid. Now, a slave to money and the white man, he performs songs with artists like Justin Timberlake and Pink. WTF happened man?
N: an industry whore
Snoop Dogg went from cool to tool faster then Carson Daily.

guy1: Dude you sold your soul for cash, now your just a punk snoop dogg.
by WS SM March 31, 2006
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Used to be a fine ass rapper, with the image of smokin'-weed gangsta. Dr. Dre's puppy.
Created classic rap albums like Doggystyle and Doggfather.
Nowadays he became all pussy, doing pop crap like "Sweat" and "California Girls".
Snoop Dogg's album "Doggystyle" was a fucking rap classic.
Snoop Dogg is collabrating with Katy Perry today. What a pussy.
by ayoitssnoopdogg April 10, 2012
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