Brown-haired girl who likes to sneeze in her boyfriend's asshole.
Damn that Brenna is a kinky bitch.
by OHhhshititscrzy October 4, 2009
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A fucking ugly ass idiot that looks and acts like trash
1- ugh, do you see that ugly bitch over there?

2- yeah, what a Brenna
by Wankinwilliam July 13, 2019
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That basic bitch who thinks the world revolves around her. Loves anal and kinky shit. Has a great sense of humor and loves penis jokes
She loved anal, she must be a Brenna
by Yessssbitch April 20, 2017
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A ugly bitch that likes celebrities like Beyoncé . and had a flat ass
Brenna is a headass
by Josh hillman February 14, 2017
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A stubborn mean girl who bully’s everyone. She always thinks she’s older and better than everyone. Brenna is also very spoiled. She’s very fake and always has a negative opinion for everyone even her friends. She always seeks attention in fact she basically feeds off of it. She always has to over react about everything.
I would love to go, but if Brenna is going then I’m staying home.
by So_.true March 28, 2019
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A slut
Not all are, just some
tend to be brunettes

She is such a Brenna
by MerpHerp June 18, 2013
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A very dumb person that nobody likes. An ugly person that I hate. Also very very very ugly!
by Gabe Melliger December 12, 2018
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