Tate Stine gang otherwise known as TSG, is a small gang located in west Michigan, but has members all over america. this gang participates in racist hate crimes and is associated with the KKK in small ways. Tate Stine gang dates back to the late 1800's but saw a rise in members during the early 2000's when racism saw a new rise. do not confuse Tate Stine gang with the more deadly Tate Stone gang for they are rivals.
by BRONGULUS February 8, 2019
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Taking advantage of a butterz girl, claming you're drunk, when you're actually sober.
Jeeze, that kid's doing a Tate, I feel sorry for that girl.
by Willow1994 January 7, 2010
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Backing into a parking spot. Backing into a parking spot so well, surrounding bystanders are just creaming their pants.
I once Mike Tated at an Applebees and I saw this chick’s knees buckle with excitement and pleasure.
by MACDADTATE August 12, 2022
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When you get cancelled for being way too real online.
What happened to Scotty on Insta?

Bro he got tated for talking facts about everything that’s happened since 2019
by Neroneroneronero September 9, 2022
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tate can be a very aggressive bubbleguppie which looks like the good dinosaur
"Tate D is such a bubbleguppie OMG"
by bobslayer69 March 4, 2022
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the most big dick mf in the world. will suck your dick for 5 bucks no homo tho
wow daddy tate nice dick
by u9yhfiusaefgiasergfbisgfv8 March 13, 2021
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a musician who had a very pitchy knockout on the voice and also uses too much autotune in their music. also only promotes black lives matter when forced to do so by teenage girls.
"did you hear about tate brusa's new song?" "yeah, he used way too much autotune and needs to realize that he sounds better without it!"
by tones and i queen of pop September 14, 2020
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