Foreign material stuck in ones beard. Saw dust, metal shavings, grass clippings, chip dust, popcorn, etc.
Man 1: (having just finished a bag of Doritos.)

Man 2: “You have some beard glitter there Ron
by Mericaman May 18, 2018
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Also known as A city slicker or a person who makes you think they know what being country's like or to work on vehicles but to scared to get there hands or boots dirty.
by Notaglittlercricket April 2, 2020
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Often know as a city slicker or a glitter chigger but for both sexes

Or a guy that say he knows what hes doing with cars, trucks, or hunting but really dont like to get his hands dirty or his boots.... just a glitter cricket....
by Notaglittlercricket April 2, 2020
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glit- ter- mag -net Glitter Magnet: is a term used to describe a man or male person that is surrounded and or surrounds himself by gay males as his base of friends, and of which is or claims to be !00% hetrosexual
That cute guy over there is just a glitter magnet. what do you mean? He is totally hetro-sexual but he's always at the gay bars with friends.
by AviarS January 27, 2017
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Two people that are extremely happy together. They do things differently from most couples yet seem to function better than other’s
Those two are honestly the Glitter Gang
by Mel-0 April 30, 2018
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